BANISHMENT - vertaling naar arabisch
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BANISHMENT - vertaling naar arabisch

Banishment; Exiles; Exile and Banishment; Forced exile; Self-exile; Sent into exile; Exile (politics and government); Exile in Greek tragedy; Transported for life; Voluntary exile; Banish
  • Das siebte Kreuz]]''
  • es}}
  • ''[[Jason and Medea]]'', by [[John William Waterhouse]], 1907
  • Exiled [[Klaus Mann]] as Staff Sergeant of the 5th US Army, Italy 1944
  • ''[[Napoleon]]'s Exile on [[Saint Helena]]'' by Franz Josef Sandman (1820)
  • Rama on the way
  • ''The First Night in Exile'' – This painting comes from a celebrated series illustrating one of Hinduism's great epics, the ''[[Ramayana]]''. It tells the story of prince Rama, who is wrongly exiled from his father's kingdom, accompanied only by his wife and brother.



إِبْعاد ; نَفْي

نفى ، أقصاء ، إبعاد طرد ، تبديد ، إطراح
فِعْل : ينفي . يُبعد . يطرد


Exile, expatriation, ostracism, expulsion, proscription.



Exile is primarily penal expulsion from one's native country, and secondarily expatriation or prolonged absence from one's homeland under either the compulsion of circumstance or the rigors of some high purpose. Usually persons and peoples suffer exile, but sometimes social entities like institutions (e.g. the papacy or a government) are forced from their homeland.

In Roman law, exsilium denoted both voluntary exile and banishment as a capital punishment alternative to death. Deportation was forced exile, and entailed the lifelong loss of citizenship and property. Relegation was a milder form of deportation, which preserved the subject's citizenship and property.

The term diaspora describes group exile, both voluntary and forced. "Government in exile" describes a government of a country that has relocated and argues its legitimacy from outside that country. Voluntary exile is often depicted as a form of protest by the person who claims it, to avoid persecution and prosecution (such as tax or criminal allegations), an act of shame or repentance, or isolating oneself to be able to devote time to a particular pursuit.

Article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor BANISHMENT
1. - But banishment.
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2. to liberty and not to banishment."
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor BANISHMENT
1. The Conservatives‘ near banishment from Scottish politics gives them a less complacent view of devolution.
2. This was depicted as a prize appointment, but many people saw it as banishment.
3. If culture were effectual and living, then he would never experience banishment.
4. Protesters called for the banishment of people from the Caucasus from the city.
5. Several of the leading lobbying proposals would impose the extra year of banishment.